In a story for the Wall Street Journal, MƒA Master Teacher Ramona Fittipaldi offered her perspective on an analysis that shows girls across the country suffering greater test-score declines than boys. According to the findings, since 2019, girls’ test scores have dropped sharply, often to the lowest point in decades. Boys’ scores have also fallen during that time, but the decline among girls has been more severe. When asked what's driving this trend, Fittipaldi wonders if pandemic learning loss affected girls more than boys.
Ramona Fittipaldi, an MƒA Master Teacher who teaches high-school math at the all-girls Young Women’s Leadership School of Manhattan, said she has observed the change in her classroom.
“They’re still struggling,” she said, particularly her ninth-grade and 10th-grade geometry students. “They’re really relying on tricks more than fully understanding the way they would have done prepandemic.” She wonders whether girls were more affected when they couldn’t socialize with one another during the pandemic.