Our fellowship community of New York City K-12 public school STEM teachers leads and grows through collaboration, connection, and continued learning opportunities. One of the hallmarks of the fellowship is our professional development and leadership program for teachers.

As part of the MƒA community, Master Teachers explore cutting-edge content, innovative teaching practices, and research-based professional development models. MƒA teachers take courses tailored to their specific interests and needs.

The MƒA Professional Development Catalog features hundreds of learning opportunities each semester. MƒA teachers lead more than two-thirds of these learning opportunities, and outside experts in mathematics, science, computer science, and education facilitate the rest.

MƒA teachers can find the full course catalog on the Small-World Network.

Core Learning Opportunities

Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) are a series of four connected workshops that meet monthly for the semester. They consist of small teams of teachers who come together to explore a specific problem of practice in depth. 

Mini-Courses are a series of three connected workshops that engage MƒA teachers in a topic at the cutting edge of their content area or pedagogical practice.

Single session workshops are one-time workshops that engage MƒA teachers in a topic at the cutting edge of their content area or pedagogical practice.

Affinity groups bring together teachers with shared identities in workshops to grapple with how their particular identities intersect and inform their role as STEM educators, their classroom practice, and their engagement with the broader MƒA community.

MƒA teachers participate in and lead professional growth and enrichment opportunities throughout the year, ranging in focus from mathematics and science content to pedagogical practice and leadership.

200+ professional development courses per semester

Teachers in Workshop

Throughout the school year, MƒA courses are full of teachers who facilitate and participate in high-quality, advanced STEM-focused courses and events.

Teachers in Virtual Workshop - Summer Think

MƒA now offers regular virtual programming in response to new teacher needs that arose during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additional Learning and Leadership Opportunities

Interest Groups meet informally around a common interest or identity. They provide opportunities to make connections and begin conversations with MƒA colleagues.

MƒAdventures are offsite events organized by MƒA teachers that allow teachers to explore shared interests. They are a great way to meet MƒA community members outside the MƒA office. 

Thursday Thinks are monthly STEM talks that feature engaging and accomplished experts who delve into cutting-edge mathematics, science, computer science, and education topics.

Equity Webinars are virtual events that lead with a nationally recognized STEM educator talk, followed by breakout sessions, where small groups discuss how they can apply these powerful ideas in their classrooms.

Community Contributions are leadership opportunities for MTII+ (teachers in their second, third, or fourth Master Teacher Fellowship) to deepen their connections within the MƒA community by becoming involved with admissions, recruitment, communications, facilitation, supporting new MƒA teachers, and other leadership activities.