Our Model

Explore MƒA

A new vision for STEM teaching and learning

At MƒA, we believe that making it possible for expert teachers to collaborate, learn, and lead strengthens our education system and is the best way to ensure all students get the education they deserve. MƒA is a model for the profession that shows how it might evolve.

Three things to know about Math for America:

  1. We recognize and treat teachers as STEM professionals.  
  2. Our fellowships create a community that advances the profession through teacher collaboration, learning, and leadership. 
  3. We support nearly 1,000 STEM teachers working in hundreds of K-12 public schools in New York City.

The MƒA Model

Outstanding teachers join a professional community where they explore:
  • Cutting-edge content
  • Innovative teaching practices
  • Research-based professional development models
Teachers bring what they learn back to their classrooms and schools.
  • Improved teacher retention
  • Better teaching and professional development in schools
  • Increased student learning

Our Model in Action

Table with sticky notes

One of the hallmarks of the fellowship is our professional development and leadership program for teachers.

Read about our fellowships for accomplished K-12 STEM teachers.

Greenhouse shelves

Read about the impact and innovation of MƒA teachers.

Nearly half of all public high schools have STEM teachers in MƒA’s fellowship program, and MƒA teachers make up roughly 10% of the secondary STEM teaching force in NYC. Cities and states have adopted the MƒA model to create publicly funded fellowship programs. The success of these programs shows that MƒA’s model works in rural, urban, and suburban school districts.

Find out how we advocate nationally for Master Teacher programs