
The Latest from MƒA

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MƒA Chief Operating Officer Michael Driskill speaks about MƒA’s fellowship program and professional development model on the BronxNet TV news show OPEN, which provides local news, updates, and informa

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The Staten Island Advance, the only daily newspaper published in Staten Island, reported on this year’s MƒA cohort of outstanding mathematics and science teachers in the borough.

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At the 2019 MoMath gala, MƒA Founder Jim Simons spoke with reporter Amanda Cantrell from the asset management magazine, Institutional Investor, about math and math education.

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In his new column for Forbes, MƒA President John Ewing starts an honest discussion about accountability, based on knowledge and expertise rather than slogans.

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In an op-ed for District Administration Magazine, MƒA Chief Operating Officer Michael Driskill writes about the unfortunate reality of teachers taking on “side-hustles” to pay their bills. 

In the News

What would our school system look like if charters took the place of district schools? MƒA President John Ewing will pen ongoing columns on these education-related issues for Forbes.

In the News

There are many topics in education that are worth our attention. Most are not simple, yet complicated and nuanced. MƒA President John Ewing to pen ongoing columns on these education-related issues for

In the News

This past summer, journalist Mareesa Nicosia explored what math teachers are doing to improve math education and how math can be made appealing to students of all ability levels.