
The Latest from MƒA

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An editorial in the New York Times suggests that students may lose up to a full year of learning because of closed schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Science is valuable in the current COVID-19 pandemic because it allows us to do things. But science is also valuable because it helps us to accept the inevitable ignorance, uncertainty, and doubt that

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MƒA President John Ewing joined host Dr. Scott Titsworth on NPR’s Teaching Matters podcast to talk about how MƒA is devoted to connecting mathematics and science teachers, empowering them to innovate

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Enrollment in high school Calculus has exploded in the past several decades. But maybe that’s not a sign of progress. For many students, the rush to Calculus is a bad idea.

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MƒA Master Teacher Bobson Wong and MƒA Chief Operating Officer Michael Driskill recently spoke with Kenneth Chang, science reporter at the New York Times, about a new method that may be a more effecti

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In his latest column for Forbes, MƒA President John Ewing writes how algebra in the high school curriculum is under attack. 

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In his latest column for Forbes, MƒA President John Ewing informs us how using the term “high expectations” in education has become a major element in the reformist attack on teachers and traditional

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Each year the Fund for the City of New York honors New York City public high school teachers with the Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics.