The 12th Annual MƒA MT²: Master Teachers on Teaching event showcased inspiring and thought-provoking TEDx-style talks from eight MƒA Master Teachers. The teacher speakers explored the theme of "ChatMƒA: Technology and Transformation" and what that means to them as mathematics and science professionals. Similar to past MT² events, presentations focused on classroom innovation, connections with students, and self-reflection.
You can now watch each MƒA Master Teacher talk below.
Olivia Bello
MƒA Master Teacher Olivia Bello reflected on her experience creating an accidental genius hour and the transformational ripple effects that followed for her students and herself.
John Derian
As he explored more meaningful ways for his multilingual students to reflect on their learning, MƒA Master Teacher John Derian stumbled upon a surprising solution— time-lapse technology and Star Wars?!
Lavonne Hunter
What happens when we center adolescent experiences with the scientific method? In this talk, MƒA Master Teacher Lavonne Hunter shared how her students used research methodologies to highlight the impact of mental health and called on teachers to ask themselves “How are my students really doing?”
Aaron Kaswell
Can There Be Inter-Personalized Learning? MƒA Master Teacher Aaron Kaswell has used personalized learning technology in his classroom for over a decade. In this talk, he shared how he’s recently reinvented his classroom to build more community, collaboration, and student thinking.
JoEllen Schuleman
From social media to our homes, pets are a comforting and ubiquitous presence in our lives. MƒA Master Teacher JoEllen Schuleman explored how pets in the classroom might be the untapped, low-tech solution to teaching about life and supporting students' social emotional needs.
Marisa Shuman
Throughout her life, MƒA Master Teacher Marisa Shuman felt like a student who didn’t belong. In this talk, she shared her journey from mathematics to computer science and how the “electric joy” of doing hard things helped her bust through the wall of imposter syndrome.
Elma Sister
AI can make our lives and work more manageable, but can it also lead us further into cycles of tech addiction? MƒA Master Teacher Elma Sister highlighted how teachers can be more mindful and reflective while engaging with these new tools.
Chris Weisbrot
Connections with students can impact them in ways technology cannot. MƒA Master Teacher Chris Weisbrot shared the story of one very special student in two different schools and how we think about these connections.