
We partner with programs, researchers, and institutions on projects that advance our mission and vision nationwide.
Programs inspired by MƒA
New York State Master Teacher Program
This independent program is a professional network of more than 1,400 public school K-12 STEM teachers throughout the state. The program fosters collaboration among educators and offers high-quality professional learning focused on three domains: knowledge of STEM content; knowledge of pedagogy; and knowledge of students, their families, and their communities. -
This program, inspired by the MƒA model, finds the best mathematics and computer science teachers and creates opportunities for their professional and intellectual growth. These opportunities help sustain them in their teaching as they share knowledge and advance their practice in community with each other. -
MƒA San Diego
This program, inspired by the MƒA model, seeks to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in high-need schools in San Diego by providing professional development, mentoring, and other forms of professional support to teachers and their districts. -
NJ STEM Innovation Fellowship
The New Jersey STEM Innovation Fellowship, launched in 2019, is a teacher-leadership program that provides renewable, one-year fellowships to elementary mathematics teachers and middle school science teachers across the state. The fellowships focus on teaching innovations shown to improve student learning with monthly professional development meetings and district-sponsored opportunities for fellows to lead PD on teaching innovations for others. -
Waterbury Public School STEM Fellowship
The Waterbury Public Schools’ MƒA-inspired fellowship program is for middle and high school mathematics and science teachers. The program supports teachers for more than four years in developing effective instruction that supports powerful learning in the classroom. As they progress as experts within their classroom, teachers are then supported in developing their capabilities as leaders in their school/district. The fellowship model is based on three core ideas: that teachers learn best when they engage in a community of practice, that the work of analyzing practice is most powerful when it is grounded in a vision for high-quality instruction and professional development, and that teacher leadership is an extension of the work teachers do in their classroom.
Analyzing Mathematics Instruction Using the Teaching for Robust Understanding Framework (AIM-TRU)
- AIM-TRU is a model for professional development that gives teachers the opportunity to understand high-quality instructional resources and their use through video cases. This is a research-practice partnership among MƒA, Montclair State University, SUNY Buffalo State and the NYS Master Teacher Program, and DePaul University and the Chicago Public Schools, funded by a grant form the National Science Foundation.
- NSF award information
- AIM-TRU video cases and resource materials: This work has been in collaboration with Dr. Schoenfeld and the Teaching for Robust Understanding project team. To learn more about their work, see