How do teachers captivate their students? In Chalkbeat New York’s latest “How I Teach” series, MƒA Master Teacher Kari Ostrem shares insight into her teaching practice, specifically how she integrates social justice issues into math lessons. Here are excerpts of her feature:

“How do current events, such as the presidential election, shape what happens in your classroom? How do you see your role as a teacher in those situations?

Any election provides plenty of material for a statistics class, but this election also addresses many of our social justice concerns. There is a story every day about some group of people who have been offended or forgotten in this election cycle, and that has motivated many of our student projects.”

“I have (traditionally) kept my political leanings to myself. (This election) changed that. I do not hesitate to call out either candidate now on language that disparages a group of people. This is not a question of politics, but a question of right and wrong.”

Read the full article via Chalkbeat New York.